I. SARANTOPOULOS S.A. (currently PANTECHNIKI SA), a major Greek
construction company, was awarded an EU-funded PHARE project
for the rehabilitation of the Durres-Rrogozhine road in Albania
on the contractual basis of the FIDIC Red Book. The project
encountered several major problems, including widespread violence
interrupting the works, serious delays in the expropriation
of the land necessary for the construction of the road, legislative
and administrative bottlenecks, and various issues regarding
unit prices and measurements, requiring extensive legal advice
and representation before Albanian and EU authorities. Total
claims of EUR 14.750.000 are currently pending before an International
Chamber of Commerce arbitral tribunal. |
- Legal (TSIRONIS & ASSOCIATES) and technical (PROMAS
SA) advice regarding the interpretation and implementation
of the FIDIC Red Book-based contract
- Representation and support in negotiations with the Engineer,
the European Commission and the Albanian Government
- Submission of claims amounting to a total of EUR 14.750.000
to ICC arbitration: legal representation (TSIRONIS &
ASSOCIATES) and technical expert support (PROMAS SA)